Apply to attend.
We want to ensure that all of our guests, Dominants and providers feel safe and welcome in our space. If you are interested in attending this event, you will need to go through a simple application process; the steps are outlined below.
If you have any inquires concerning the event, before you apply, send a respectful email to one of the addresses below.
Deposits are non-refundable.
Seductrix Evie
Jayne Doe
1) All guests are required to go through a safety verification process. This includes:
having booked a session with at least one of the providers on our list OR booking a session in the meantime.
providing photo ID
a deposit of 50% (the rest will be collected 14 days before the event.)
2) No photography or videography of any kind is allowed.
Any recording devices seen will be confiscated. We reserve the rights to investigate confiscated devices for prohibited material. Any attempt to record or any pictures, audio recording and/or videos found will immediately get you blacklisted and removed from the party. Obtaining any non-consensual material from the event will be taken as seriously as assault.
3) Explicit and informed consent is required before initiating any physical contact or play (including voyeurism).
Not everyone at the party is there to play and not everyone will want to play with you. Understand that proper consent is required before initiating contact with both party members and providers; hugs and hands included. Our staff will be monitoring the space to ensure proper scene negotiation and safety is taking place between everyone.
4) Intoxicated play.
We will be serving alcohol at this event. Anyone who is deemed not able to make informed consent will be asked to sit out of activities and may be asked to leave. Have fun, drink wisely.
5) Respect the venue!
We are incredibly grateful for the generosity and trust of our host. It is expected that every single guest is respectful to the venue.
Be discreet while entering and exiting the building; do not hang around outside.
Clean up after yourself, whether that be bodily fluids or used protection; there will be condoms, oral dams, cleaner, paper towel, lube, and puppy pads available for everyone.
Making it so easy for you…